The last day of the year

Oil on ceramics.

size 50 x 50 cm

no frame

The image of a silent life. This poem by Fráňa Šrámek best describes my state of mind when creating this painting. New Year and New Year's Eve, we all perceive this period differently, some people look forward to a boisterous celebration, get drunk, want to be noisy, and long to simply feel their way into the next year. I have always perceived the New Year quite differently. I take stock. I think of the stillness out there in the woods, of the animals hiding somewhere, sleeping or fleeing from the noisy human commotion, longing for peace and the hope of happiness and life. I feel the same way. So I dedicate this painting to peace, quiet and tranquillity and I wish with all my heart that it will bring all this to its owner every time he looks at it.

"The last day of the year, today will surely come, The whole year is wandering, today will surely return. 

We must always be together tonight, we must always talk.

I don't know why she's always looking away, she's asked many questions before she found me, she's so tired... 

And if I have something to drink?

Rum... and plenty of it... she's like a beaten woman, her voice is sort of dry and dry, she knows it and she's embarrassed.

She bought me a present, she lies a little, but she didn't see fit to take it with her.

And if she may take off her shoes, they are so wet that her feet are so cold.

And then she sits down at the table, lifts the lamp to see you better, and breathes softly. She looks at me, then around, nodding her head, burying something quietly, burying, burying. He is silent for a moment, then looks up at me questioningly, shyly. And I nod. He understands me, closes his eyes. He understands me. He turns terribly pale... "

Fráňa Šrámek, collection of poems Splav, poem Accounting


530 €
Painting is already sold.


Part of the paintings’ reviews are also visualizations so you can see and imagine better the look of the painting in your home, nicely framed and installed.



- 600 € -

Live and let live

- 560 € -

Do animals have souls?

- Painting is already sold. -

What the little prince and his fox said to each other

- 560 € -

Cherish your dreams

- Painting is already sold. -

Romeo, Juliet and the Light

- 400 € -